
Ted here.

For a long time, I read books and talked about them with people in classrooms.  I also helped run schools in the usual ways. As an educator I want to help people do their thing in service of the world.

By now I’ve taught on five continents and consulted to schools and the people who work there too.  I’ve written a bunch of things and started Molly School

I do not mind bragging to say I can hunt down the best coffee and baked goods in any neighborhood. 

And as an advisor, I change how people feel, work, and act. 

I’ve worked with CEO’s, college presidents, artists, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, writers and seekers of all kinds, teenagers and those in their twenties as well as young folks in their seventies too.  

I never know what is going to happen because you are the author of what we do together. 

But for a life with the job you want, the love you deserve, and the light sense of being we all have within us, let’s talk.
